Grad Year Calculator

A graduation calculator can estimate a student's graduation year and month, and how much progress they need to make each month to graduate by a target date. To calculate a projected graduation date, a calculator can use the following information:

How to Calculate Grad Year Of Graduation?

To calculate how much progress is needed each month, a calculator can use the following information: Graduation month, Graduation year, and Number of classes left. 

For example, Columbus State Community College's graduation calculator can help students anticipate their graduation date and see how adding more hours can help them graduate.

What is your year of graduation?

The year of graduation is the year when you're expected to receive your degree, not the year you started your degree. If you're not sure when you'll graduate, you can estimate it and change it later. 

How do you calculate graduation time?

In academic years, the formula for calculating time to degree is:

How do I figure out my graduation date?

Use a graduation calculator from site :

A graduation year calculator can estimate your graduation month and year, and how much progress you need to make each month to graduate by a target date.

How old is the class of 2027?

The class of 2027 refers to students who will graduate from high school in 2027, and would be in the 6th grade in 2022.

Graduation Year Calculator